Technology is definitely a distraction when it comes to my studies.  I believe that this is because “Children raised with the computer ‘think differently from the rest of us.  They develop hypertext minds.  They leap around.  It’s as though their cognitive structures were parallel, not sequential.” (p. 3) I can’t sit and fully read an assignment all the way through I have to stop to mess with my radio or the volume on my TV.  If my cell phone goes off my concentration from my work is broken off and I get into the conversation I am having through text instead of working on the assignment at hand.  When typing up papers it always takes me longer then it should because of the Internet being opened to Facebook or Twitter.  I usually write a paragraph (sometimes a page) and then check both of the sites before finishing my work.  If I didn’t have technology to distract me when I work on homework I would get done it so much faster and would have time to do other more productive things.

Digital Native or Digital Immigrant?  Which one am I?  I believe that I fit into the digital native category.  According to Marc Prensky, digital natives like to receive their information fast, they like to multi-task and parallel process, and they would rather see a picture before seeing the text. (p.2).  This fits me to a tee.  I would rather get all the information from a professor at a fast pace instead of having a lecture that drags on.  It is easier for me to understand something if I parallel process it and multi task as I am learning it.  When I open a page to a textbook the first thing I look at is the picture to get a preview about what I am going to read.  Also I would be considered a digital native because of all the technology that I have been brought up around.  In my daily life I use laptops, desktops, cell phones, radios, TVs, and sometimes even gaming systems to entertain myself when I am bored.  It is easy to say that I am a Digital Native.