One of the major projects for my Writing, Research, and Technology class was to create a Twitterive.  What is a twitterive you may ask?  Well, it is a multimodal/multigenre writing project that is inspired by tweets that we have posted thus far in the semester. 

My twitterive place was a place where dreams come true.  A place that I dream to one day have the opportunity to work for.  A place that allows every person to act like a child at heart.  Where is my place?  Well it is Walt Disney World.  I didn't think that creating this project would be that difficult but of course I procrastinated (like usual). Writers block took the best of me for a couple of hours but once I got started it seemed like everything was spilling out onto the computer screen.  I thoroughly enjoyed creating this draft.

If you couldn't tell my repetend throughout my project was the world dream I felt as though this suited the Disney World theme.  I mean they pride themselves at being the place where dreams come true.  The whole thing started with a wish from Walt and that wish turned into a dream.

There are a couple of questions that I have about my twitterive:
1. Do the pieces seem to fit together?
2. Is there any other genres that would possibly fit into the project?
3. I think that I want to add a photo essay but where should I place it?
4. Is my repetend corny?
5. How could I improve the overall effectiveness of the twitterive?