In my Writing, Research, and Technology class last week we got into small groups.  Within these groups we critiqued each others first draft of our Twitterive projects.  Below is a list of questions that we had to answer about our personal projects:

1)      WHO are the characters in your story?
As of right now the main character of the story is me.  Within the story there are mentions of friends from high school and family.

2)      WHAT is your story? WHAT genres/modes are you using for your story?
The story is about how as a child Disney was my dream and how once I visited it has become one of the loves of my life.  It shows my travels to Disney throughout the years.  Within my story some of my genres/modes include a once upon a time story, diary entry, narrative, found poem, recipe card, quotes, narrative, video.

3)      WHEN does your story take place?
My story starts with me as a child at the age of four and it continues to the present.

4)      WHERE is your place?
I am not quite sure where my place is at yet.  It could be Disney as a physical place or childhood and the memories that were created within it.

5)      WHY do you feel a connection/lack of connection to place?
I feel a big connection with this place.  It has sort of became a member of the family and is one of the only places that my family has traveled to on vacation.

6)      HOW do you show your audience your connection/lack of connection to place?
I show the connection by including my personal experiences and incorporating them in nontraditional ways.  Also I added a video that depicts different trips that I have been on throughout my life.