With the approach of today, there is officially only a week left until our collaborative research project needs to be completed. It was decided that in celebration of our LAST blog post for this semester, we would collaborate together to creat this post based on our similar worries and opinions. Where are we in this process? Way too far behind, and honestly it is making us a little nervous. Who knew that something as simple as a research project could be so nerve wrecking. Maybe it is the fact that we were so set on who we were going to interview in the beggining, and because of complications, that plan slipped right between our fingers.

     We managed to get a longer interview from Kaitlyn's sister and cousin, a whopping eighteen minutes total, but we still need more. Our class time today consisted of pulling quotes from our sources to be put in our final documentary video. Meanwhile,Kaitlyn managed to get in touch with a friend of her father's who owns a slaughter house. He stated that he didn't know "how smart" he was going to sound, but he was willing to try his best. We can't say that we feel relief, as we can no longer get our hopes up because of our original interviews that failed, but we are in high hopes that this will turn out differently. 

    On a happier note, our annotated bibliography is in the midst of being completed, HALLELUJAH! Christie has been working hard on that, while all three of us have also been taking apart quotes from our sources to be added to the final video that Christieand I will be working on together. Our plan is to take the interviews from Kaitlyn and incorporate those with facts and effects to make an informational video. Lets just hope everything runs smoothly, because we are officially cutting close to the deadline.

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