Qualitative research is based around the why and how.  This means it is a study of how humans behave and why people act that way.  This type of research is done through observations and studies while direct interaction with the individuals.  These interactions could be done one-on-one or through a group setting.  When conducting qualitative research there are a number of tools, or resources, that could be used to better the study.  Video cameras, voice recorders, or written data are just a couple of the resources that could be used.

Narrative inquiry relates to qualitative research in that it is the study of human behavior.  This concept came to be by emerging under the qualitative research spectrum.  It is concerned with how people create meaning from events that have happened.  Narrative inquiry isn't supposed to be just a storytelling process but it should be more focused on how people take events and make meanings or understandings about them.

Both of these concepts will be used within the collaborative research project in a number of different ways.  One way is that we are going to be conducting a study of human behavior.  We are going to be conducting interviews using qualitative research using video cameras or audio recorders.  The main purpose of these interviews is to get a narrative inquiry about the meaning of the events in the interviewees life.

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